(Pt. 3) 5 Decisions I Made To Get My Life Back On Track: Ordering My Life

Third part in the series on how I saw necessary to organize and Order My Life…  Getting back on track.


– Shit was unbearably fucked up
– Causes: The unwitting assimilation of Nihilistic Belief Patterns
– Got to a breaking point
– Soul took the wheel
– Examining CONTROL
– What the fuck do I do now?
– Couldn’t go with belief any longer, sheer will now
– Going to The Ancestors
– The Message
– Realizing it starts with the thoughts that inform the beliefs
– What change REALLY means

Another theme gleaned from the video binge was that in order to have more Peace, be more efficient and achieve YOUR goals (#soulgoals), there was a need to have some type of written down system.

Planning your time lets you get ahead of issues (pro-active). Not knowing that going on from moment to moment puts you in situations where you are in defensive mode (re-active).

A lot of us, this is how we live, in the re-active. We feel we either have no other choice, or it’s for our art, or it keeps us on our toes. It keeps us quick, sharp, spontaneous, and clever. But I had to think about how much energy I was expending to stuff that could just be ‘routine’. Automating everyday tasks can conserve energy for larger more beneficial tasks.

Another thought was how much stuff I was keeping track of in my head. How many ideas I never fully fleshed out and were lost due to focus on mundane things?

Ummm… a lot.

I am a creative type on the whole. I value my wildness, my freedom and planning seemed antithetical to that. I’d been dabbling in planning systems for YEARS.

However, I’d always put them back down because I’d eventually end up feeling boxed in.

So with all the stuff The Ancestors had shown me, I saw a way to make it encompass my WHOLE (mental, spiritual, emotional) life, and set it up in a way that may work for me. I TRULY wanted to achieve the goals from inside of me, not from some external outside pressure source.

I grabbed one of my old planners and got to work. I now had a firm idea of what I needed to “see” in my system. It came together relatively easy because I had an innervision and the “system” was the toolkit to get there.

My Needs/Priorities:

– I like order, but not rigidity. This allows me to BE FLEXIBLE.

– I don’t care the way it looks constantly. Some days all that matters is that I get the information down.

– I need one Master Book. I need to keep everything in one place. I may have off shoots of more specific journals/ledgers, but the main info needs to be in one place. If I have to go searching for something, most likely I wont. I’ll put it off until I eventually forget about it and then it is lost through the cracks.

– I need specific places on the pages to write things. This saves me time so I know where to scan when looking for some piece of information. Work hours at bottom of page, expenditures at the top right corner, etc.

– I need sections for categories. I need to be able to find everything quickly. Frustration will set in if it’s confusing, and I will stop using.

(If you are not familiar with, and are interested in different time organizational systems, I will be writing a post and will post the link here when completed here is the link.)

With system in place, I was well aware of my propensity to start the race strong and never even come close to the finish line.

I was going to need what had become a four letter word for me… discipline. But I knew I was going to have to tackle this monster in order to get across the bridge.

I thank The Divine and The Ancestors for showing me the revelation of my next decision…

Self Care through Self Discipline