Law of Attraction | The Law of The Self

a blurry mirror in an ornate gold frame on on golden yellow wallLaw of Attraction:

The belief that thinking about something attracts it, and causes it to manifest in your life.
[Made popular by the book The Secret]

This bs has been around a long time.  It is essentially a corruption, or a piece, of basic spiritual principles.  I won’t get into that yet, but I am sure I will write another post about it somewhere down the line.

The thing that gets me is, that I don’t think people understand how dangerous, and insidious the mass introduction of this form of thought is.

I have so many issues with it, I think I will just list them, and let you take away what you need.  This is going to be me just throwing it out there.  No order.  There’s just so much wrong going on with it.

But First, In the Beginning

I was “lucky” enough to have a front row seat to watch, as this mind virus was unleashed in the early 2000’s.  I witnessed it seep in and slowly take over almost every facet of society.  One of my old jobs was actually part of a ‘test case’ experiment at the beginning of it’s introduction.  Our director proudly told us that we had been chosen to implement some new management system What transpired after that, was pretty much like a Stanford Experiment for Corporations.  I didn’t know exactly what was going on, except that I knew they were trying to mess with my mind.  I objected every step of the way, and told them almost daily,  “You’re not brainwashing me!” lol.


So Here’s My List:


It has changed the way people process and relate to the world around them.

  • It changed the filter through which the world is seen.  And it has taken, and unabashedly given people the right to make themselves the center of it.  It pretty much says you have to, in order to be happy.

People who subscribe to this no longer blame the true sources for bad situations.

  • They blame themselves (and others) for not ‘grinding’ or ‘hustling’ harder.  For not thinking the ‘positive thoughts’ necessary to grant what they want in life.  (As opposed to maybe “the haves” trying to squeeze out as many “have nots”, so they can greedily HAVE MORE)  It’s Victim Blaming.

It takes the guilt out of being, and acting selfishly.

  • “I am making it.  I am doing it.  So those who are still doing bad are bad, because they have not done what I did and I am good.  I am proof this works, and this ‘system’ says this is positive and good.”

It has taken what is seen as good and bad, and flipped it.

  • It’s shameful now to NOT brag on yourself or be able to scam folks.  I have seen IG posts with women posed in expensive clothes and shoes with the caption “humble” LMAO!  Like wtf?!  And when someone does something shady, the comments are filled with some version of “Get tha bag!”

Back in the day, people didn’t mess with “full-time” hustlers like that, cuz you knew eventually you were gonna be the “next hustle”.

  • Yeah we hustled…  for a minute/for a purpose (like to get an apartment or car or something).  Like to get a leg up, but we didn’t constantly live in that mindset.  Everyone knew that sustaining that type of lifestyle would ‘eat you up’.

It has pretty much decimated what was left of the Black expression of community.

  • It finished off what was started by the introduction of crack cocaine and reaganomics in the 80s.  The Black community has always been “WE”, now it’s firmly “ME” (and proudly so).  Even crack didn’t unravel that thread like this one has.

It has people who will not ever belong in The Club (ie. the rich AND powerful) identifying with them, because they believe they can someday ‘make it’.

  • They now agree with stuff that goes against their best interests.  They see themselves as “rich” and “wealthy”, cuz “if you can see it, you can achieve it” lol.  And one day, they will have pulled themselves by their bootstraps, and these lazy ‘good for nothings’ will be trying to tax them and take their money too!

It’s like a non-existent genie in a bottle.

  • It preys on people’s fears in uncertain times and makes them eat their own, as opposed to fighting the ones who are creating circumstances that created the fear.

And the biggie…  at some point you HAVE TO start “believing” things that you know aren’t true.

  • And with this, you have now moved out of reality.  And this directly affects common sense.  Cuz people just out here wilin’ under the assumption “As long as this affects me positively then it’s good.  How it affects other people means nothing to me.  What other people are saying means nothing to me.  What this looks like right now means nothing to me.  All I gotta do is VISUALIZE and everything will be alright.”  People have placed themselves in all kinds of crazy situations without thought of consequence and long term effects, because “my thoughts are what matter.”  The real world don’t matter, and folks ain’t living in it.

And just for an added bonus, this used to be the stuff of con artists.

  • This is a con game.  From prosperity preachers to get-rich-quick scams, this is the kernel.  I was shocked to find that the book by Napoleon Hill is now in the top recommendations for financial advice!  Like what alternate reality have I got lost in lol.  That used to be considered known sham stuff.  In the same category with tabloids and infomercials.

I have more, but I will leave it at that for now.


Close up image of an old scratched checkerboard with beige and black chess pieces. All but the knight of the beige pieces are knocked down and scattered on the board. The knight stands alone upright in the center of the board facing the upright black pieces.

What This Is All About

They have changed the game, and given people the goggles to see it with.  People can’t see the game board is all messed up, because they are viewing it through perception twisting lenses.

And they’ve moved everything to this ‘new’ crazy, messed up game board, that only exists in some crazy made up realm. Moving, and making it the old way is damn near impossible, cuz they have been slowly dismantling the old game board piece by piece.  This new one is easier…  more manageable, and controllable.

Then when they’re ready, and have everything in place, all they have to do is flip off the switch.  Both game boards will be gone, having been replaced by a new game, which I don’t think we’re gonna like playing.

Stay real out there folks.  Remember it’s WE, not just ME.

(Dave Chapelle on this stuff back before he was a clone lololol)


Hope this is of help to someone who needs it.

All The Best,