Don’t Take The Bait

shiny brown cord wrapped in a coil holding to little silver anchors at the ends

Objects/tools that have been used within a spiritual process can be beautiful and mesmerizing.  They have a beauty that shines from within.  Their beauty comes through its purpose, and the energy imparted from their use.


a material thing that can be seen and touched.

a person or thing to which a specified action or feeling is directed


a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.

When we’re looking at a truly *powerful* item (or even an imitation of one), for some of us, there is a strong instinctual attraction it.  But it might be good to examine exactly WHAT about the items are ATTRACTING, and WHO exactly is attracted.

Spiritual Items

There’s a part inside of us that wants some thing when we see a beautiful spiritual item.

  • A well worn bible with post-it tabs, heavily highlighted, and stuffed with photos…
  • A home altar with beautifully placed bowls, glasses and old photos…
  • A worn and stained Receipt Book with scraps and notes bursting out from it’s pages…
  • A curio cabinet with bottles and jars filled with herbs and liquids…

So we try to imitate what our EYES are seeing, to obtain that feeling that is ATTRACTING us.  In going after what the eyes want, we are left hollow, not achieving what we thought we would.

But it’s not so much the eyes viewing the beauty.  It’s the heart, and the soul connecting with what these objects REPRESENT.  The attraction is a representation of the desire of the heart, and the soul moving towards that energy.

Navigation Help

They’re like sign posts on the road.

They are reminders to the soul to actually do the thing that these items represent.  To create our own versions through our own REAL activity.

The above items are symbols of a person who:

  • studies, prays, and uses a powerful word in their daily life…
  • has connected with the unseen portions of life and has created a space to do so…
  • has kept a thoughtful, detailed and often consulted record of the experiences and learnings along THEIR journey…
  • through trial and error has opened communication and exchange with the world around them…

So if you notice, it’s not about the object at all, but their symbolism cutting straight through to the heart, the soul.

You could say these items represent a person at an expert or master level of their practice.  When we try to recreate them, we might miss the point by not recognizing this, and in turn, skip the important steps.

So the next time you see some spiritual thirst pics on IG or Twitter, think about WHAT’S being seen, and by WHOM. Think about what could they be CALLING YOU to do or create in a real way?


Hope this is a help to someone who needs it.

All The Best,
