Practice | Basic Concepts

You’ve probably come across this concept already, but it’s so fundamental that it bears repeating.

We must remember that spirituality is a PRACTICE.

And we must really understand what the word practice means.

The definition of practice:

1 [noun] the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it.

2 [verb] perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency.

It’s an ongoing event // activity.

A honing activity.  It’s not stagnant.  It is a fluid, growing, changing thing.

It’s not a distant destination where you’re finally able to sit down and be like “Okay, I’m here now.  All my problems are done.  I can just chill now.”  It is the actual ACTIVITY of your spiritual expression here on Earth.  It is a living, breathing tool to help you at ‘the business of living’.


The Process of

When viewed as an ongoing process, the activities of a practice can then be viewed as desired ‘skills’.  To eventually be able to do a skill effortlessly and efficiently, a person most likely has to PRACTICE at it.

Most of us start a new skill as a BEGINNER.  Especially when we are teaching ourselves.  We expect to fumble and not get it right.  I mean, I am fully aware that I am not going to learn to play drums from watching just one YouTube video.  We know this, and we should keep this thought in the front of our mind when we first start off.

So for an example to explain it better:

Let’s say I’d like to get my prayer life together.  I might ask myself “Why do I want to do this?”, and then put together a foundational motivation for the end goal.

“I’d like to be more in communication with What Is”

Okay cool.  I’m trying to open myself up for more CONVERSATION.

So first, I’d note that I am at the NOVICE stage here.  I mean, I don’t know how to pray at all.  So I might start reading//looking for tips on prayer and pulling out the points that relate to what I am trying to accomplish.

THIS IS THE COMMENCEMENT OF MY PRACTICE in relation to prayer.  I am now in the mental activity stage.


The Act of

As soon as I start to even study in an area, I am PRACTICING it.  Just because I am currently listening to the coach on the sidelines giving directions on the game plan, doesn’t mean I don’t get credit for the time.  I’m showing up and getting ready to hit the field.

This is good to acknowledge to let your brain know you’ve now begun, and that you’ve started on the road to learning your new spiritual ‘skill’.  Emphasizing this part does not diminish or substitute for actually moving forward into the PHYSICAL ACTIVITY phase.  You’ve still got to MOVE, but you’re just getting the MOVES down.

Sometimes we get stuck in a perfectionist-ic holding pattern here…  the prep stage.  We are afraid to take the next step.  But with this perspective, there really is no first step after this.  It’s just the next step.


There’s Levels to This Ish

Once you get some basic understanding of what prayer entails, you start actually praying.  Now you’ve stepped into the physical part as an APPRENTICE.  You are now feeling things out, seeing what works best for you.  Getting a grasp on things.

You eventually start to get a little more comfortable.  You might start to write your own prayers, shift some activities around, maybe make some schedule adjustments.  This might be the JOURNEYMEN phase.


The Result

Now you start to see some results.  Through your conversations//prayers, you feel a little more peaceful and clearer.  Your days seem to be a little more ordered and it’s easier for you to focus on what’s important.  You have no problem waking up a little earlier to say a little something to The Universe.  This could be the EXPERT phase.

(Note:  This perspective//formula can be applied in regards to any aspect.  I just used prayer as an example.)


Reflection is Key

So now for some questions:

Was the achievement of the result related to the direct action of your activity//practice?

Will you keep getting the result if you stop the activity//practice?

Your spiritual life is just like any other discipline.  To stay on top of your game, you gotta PRACTICE (aka put in the work).  All experts in their fields stay practicing.  It does not end.  It’s a tool to keep you proficient.

This a simple, but powerful perspective to keep tucked away in your pocket.

You might pull it out when feeling frustrated, discouraged, lazy, defeated, or even envious.

For when our eyes start salivating over spiritual thirst pics,  we should remember, their spirituality is a practice too.  They started off just where you’re at.  (If the posters are even being authentic to begin with???)  No one emerges full-blown as some type of wise sage with all the goods.

You are right where you’re at…  where you’re s’pose to be.

Hope this is of help to someone who needs it.

All The Best,
