Altars 101 | What are they?

What is an altar?

An altar is a designated place where communication between the seen and unseen can take place.

That is the definition I was given.

It is a meeting place, a communion table, the Centerpiece.

The altar is the centerpiece of my practice.

It can be beautiful and ornate, understated and simple, or intentionally covert, but it’s primary function is one of COMMUNICATION and CONVERSATION.  What it looks like is important, as it should be pleasing to you, but that’s not it’s main purpose.

We need to be getting caught up with is what it does, rather than what it looks like.

It is good, however, to build upon the framework of knowledge that’s been left behind.  Obviously much work and observance has been done to figure this all out.  (That’s a form of respect and honor btw.)

The unseen being communicated with can be with The Divine, The Ancestors, Family on The Other Side, or even with your Self.

How you are interacting with the Unseen is also of importance.  How DO you communicate?  It’s kind of like the whole “Love Language” thing going around on social media.  How do you show love, honor, respect, and so on?  Also, speaking in someone else’s Love Language so they know you SEE them.


Altar Communication

There are lots of different ways to go about communicating at the altar:

Music Playing songs relevant to who you are trying to communicate to (ex. Gospel music for your uncles and aunties, work songs for The Ancestors, etc.)
Food Calling on and showing them how much you still love them and remember them // that they are still a part of your (this) life, and are important
Clear Water For them to communicate through (like an unlimited phone card so they can communicate whenever they like)
Good Linen Respect // Honor // Pulling out the good linen and dishes represent valued company coming to dinner
Candles Warmth // Love // Care // LIGHT // Remembering
Good Dishes Same as Good Linen
Alcohol, Cigarettes/Cigars, Playing Cards, Dominoes, Perfumes Remembering the good times // The energy of Happiness
Bible Energy // Power // Their words and utterances are contained in these words for us
Hymns and Prayers Worship for The Divine // Emotions // Soothing remembrances // Church times


There are I’m sure many other ways, but these present the main idea.

Listening Up

Don’t forget to open up your energetic eyes and ears.  The other side will be speaking back.  The idea is to establish the foundations for a wondrous, and continuous conversation.  A conversation of eye opening revelations, learning, and growth.

Protection and Discernment

There are certain things to keep in my mind when establishing contact with the world that sits just beyond our reach.  I will go over these, in more detail, in a second post.  But for now, you can use certain prayers, and keep a constant awareness of the energy around you.  A basic (but powerful!) prayer to use is the 23rd Psalm.  If you have issue with using the bible, you can find something similar within your tradition.  Pray the words anytime before you sit to have conversation.

And remember YOU are your traveling altar.  All you need, is all that you have within you.  Your conscious (and subconscious)  memories, your thoughts, and your DNA.

Hope this is of help to someone who needs it.

All The Best,
