Zodiac Seasons + Goal Planning


above head view of white and grayish blue clouds parting revealing the moon in daytime sky[Edited for Clarity 08/13/2021]

I was thinking last month, “Can a person utilize, and harness the energies of the zodiac seasons throughout the year, to help propel them towards achieving goals/resolutions?”  (Let me say that I’m an astrology newbie, so this may already be a thing?)

This idea came to me while scrolling on social media.  I kept seeing so many social media posts referring to the qualities of the different zodiacs, when their respective seasons would arrive.  It seemed to make sense that you could utilize the qualities of each sign, during it’s month, to help you progress through the steps of achieving long term goals.

I’ve looked to see if I could find any articles about this, but couldn’t find any.  So even though I haven’t fully fleshed it out yet, it’s getting ‘late’ in the year already lol.  Time marches on, and maybe someone will see this, and it will spark an idea or two.

The Mighty Caps

So how I see it…  Capricorn Season gets the ball rolling.  This Cap Season was pretty wild.  Stuff was shaking up all over the place and Cap/Saturn was calling for us to figure out where we stand.  What’s our foundation?  So in relation to yearly goals, Cap calls for us to get some structure.  Looks at the rules.  Get some discipline in our lives.

This would be a good time to reflect on what traditional sources would say to do, about what you’re trying to achieve.  What are the standard methods most people use?  Use this as a time to go “the discipline and focused no matter what” route.  Get all these ideas down on paper (or digital document), and figure out some type of action plan.

This is a time to assess, and then put our noses to the grindstone.  A call for a change in perspective, that involves seeing us as willing and able to do the work, that needs to be done.  Just do it, and see what happens.  Capricorn is about making plans for the sake of the work.

Since I’m writing this late, we can take a look back on what was occurring, and figure out what the most sensible advice would tell us to do in our situation.  Then we can make the plan of action.

The Inventive Aquarians

After you’ve figured out the plan, and have been working with it for awhile, you might want to personalize it.  Now’s the time to do something different with it.  Something that makes it more suitable to your style.  You’ve got the real world ‘experience’ with it, and it is no longer a theory.  You’re now able to see, through experience, where changes can be made to make it flow more naturally within the way you work.

In essence, we’re gonna apply some Aquarius energy to that plan.

Aqua Season is about adding in a little of your own inventive ‘out tha box’ flavah.  Where can we break some rules and make it fit OUR outlook, while still holding on to the Capricornian discipline?  Remember, Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus… The Traditional and The Rule Breaker.  The vibe here is to find that sweet spot and self validate.

The Watery Piscean

Soon it’s gonna be Pisces Season.  The watery place of emotion.  This is where you take what you’ve been doing, and really feel it.  Feel what you’re plans and hard work have been doing to you, and for you.

This is about assessing where you’re at emotionally, in regards to your progress.  Feel the ‘what’s good’ that has been showing up in you, and recognize that it’s because of what you’ve decided to do.  This is about feeling > thinking.  A time to let it sink into your bones what has actually been accomplished within the last 2 months.  Emotionally imprinting the motivation.

The Initiating Aries

Then we will have Aries/Mars marching in to take hold of your foundational three month trilogy, and set some fire behind it.  With this energy, we are now getting ready to start ‘cooking with gas’, and take our show on the road.

We’ve got a little bit more confidence than what we started with, and our actions now feel like our own.  Now’s the time to take that leap out into the real world.  With Aries energy, we can just let go, and do it.  We’ll probably make mistakes, but we won’t care, because WE 👏🏾 ARE 👏🏾 DOING 👏🏾 IT! 👏🏾 lol.

The Tangible Taurean

After a month of ACTION, we can slow down a bit for a little bit of reflection and assessment in Taurus/Venus Season.

We are now starting to see some tangible results, and finding a bit of joy and beauty in what we are doing.  We can see what works and what doesn’t sit right with us.  We can see where we want to hold steady, or what needs to be moved out the way.

More To Come?

That’s all I have so far lol.  I wanted to get it down though.  I will make a part 2 or maybe a whole new post if I get some new/better insights.

Hope this inspires someone who needs it.
All The Best.