[Edited for Clarity 08/14/2021]
You might be thinking how can a stone/rock/crystal possibly help me in living my Best Life? Like excuse me ma’am? lol
Well… I work with stones/crystals as focal points. I use stones as partners while doing my personal work around changing my life. Stone energies give me that energetical ooomph, and help to remind of the tone and moods I am shooting for. Integrating the energy, so that I naturally and habitually exude it, is the target.
My thought process being, everything in this world is vibrating at some unknown or known frequency. The matter + density make up the rate. Maybe we might be picking up on the unique make up, vibration of the stones, which we can then begin to match on an energetic level.
Just like when you are around a best friend, and they don’t even have to say a word to put a smile on your face. Even when you are not around them, a calming peace overcomes you when you think of them. Or like that friend that hypes you up, and makes you feel you can conquer the world. Maybe crystals and stones work on the same principle.
You don’t have to be a stone cold believer (yup… corny lol) to reap benefits. If you’re interested, just try it out, and see if it works yourself.
If you’ve decided to give it a try, here’s what works for me. The starting point, and the major key, is to breakdown what it would ACTUALLY take for you to get out there, and do your own thing. Listing out all the things that would need to change in your life, and in you, to get to where you want to be. In other words, what would it take for you to be LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. Picture it just how you would want to do it, and just how you would want it to look.
What parts of INNER YOU, are not currently aligned with you DOING what it is, that would get you to where you want to be?
Sounds simple, but “nuh uh uh”. lol
I’m sure it’s apparent that this approach is not going to be all “sunshine and rainbows” (What?). But no matter what it takes, you have to have the mindset to ask yourself, “Just exactly how much do I want this Best Life?”
It’s going to take some work, but you can start of with what immediately comes to mind. Start with your surface stuff.
- Confidence.
- Focus.
- Skills/knowledge.
- Self esteem/caring.
- More optimism.
- Less anxiety.
Whatever comes off the top of your head will work.
And there are a lot of resources out there to pair your work with, to help you get through. As an example, I like to use quick daily astrology and tarot forecasts as a guideline for the themes, or mood of the day. I will list a few at the end of this article.
Also note that when you decide to work on an ‘issue’, that very issue will usually pop up in some form in your daily life. This is Opportunity giving you the chance to see what’s going on with new/open eyes. So be ready!
(You can do it 🙏🏽)
When a situation appears, I usually ‘draw energy’ from the stone, and my mind fills in the blanks. Either how to react in a more confident way comes to mind, or (most often) I just feel a change in my countenance.
It’s as if the act of pausing, giving my mind a chance to jump off the merry-go-round it instinctively hops on, slows me down and allows ME to take back the reigns. I get a chance to make a conscious vs. subconscious decision.
Remember too… Immediate perfection is NOT (I repeat) NOT the goal.
As a matter of fact, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO REACT PERFECTLY. That’s not the point. This is School. Your homework is just happening LIVE and in production mode. You are doing what they used to call Real World Learning. Be kind with yourself. Laugh at/with yourself. It’s all just homework. It’s the end goal of “LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE” part you’re concerned with. 🙂
You can carry your stones all together on your person, in your purse, or leave them at home in a sacred and/or secure place. The important thing is that you can envision them wherever they are.
So on to the stuff that’s been lurking over your shoulder… That stuff we don’t want to touch, and hope just gets better on it’s own (lol)…
(Note: The following are really just examples. If you have different issues you need to work with, I will leave a link at the end for a list of crystals/stones and what they are helpful with, so you can tailor the stones for your needs.)
1. Bloodstone | Confidence
when you don’t think you are capable = low/no confidence
This is a generalization for brevity, but low/no confidence can appear in many forms. It usually boils down to you not believing you can do some particular ‘thing’.
The focus can be on why do you feel incapable? How would you look doing the ‘thing’ as a capable you? Do you realistically need some additional skills, knowledge? Can you still feel capable without the skills? Is you not having the skills affecting your current confidence? What do these additional skills/knowledge have to do with WHO you are?
I like to think of Bloodstone as having the energies of vitality and courage. Like our blood running through our veins. Symbolic of a power within that we all possess.
2. Rose Quartz | Self Esteem (Self Caring)
unrealistic expectations/harsh judgment for self… allowing harsh treatment from others… accepting treatment from others that you would not tolerate being done to someone else
low self esteem
It’s good to be honestly critical of yourself. Honestly being the key word here. And self criticism needs a healthy dose of love and understanding added in. Self love involves understanding that you are imperfect, and that is exactly where the beauty sometimes lies. Laugh a little, and Love a lot.
Loving yourself with all your imperfections and making critical, healthy assessments of what can and should be changed are pit stops on the road to a better you… to you living your best life.
Once you can embrace you and see you for who you are, you can join the rest of the imperfect humans and see everyone for who/what they are.
All souls are born deserving Respect and Love.
3. Citrine | Optimism
glass half empty… stagnation or indecision from an expectation of failure/something going wrong… heading off the fear of experiencing disappointment at the pass
unhealthy or exaggerated pessimistic outlook
The key is to strike a balance between rose colored glasses, and an ominous dark cloud perpetually following you around.
Citrine can help by reminding you that there’s always a possibility of a sunny day ahead. And in a storm, to possess the very real outlook that you can search for a silver lining. And to understand why that might be beneficial for you, and what it could mean for your life.
4. Tiger’s Eye | Clarity, Focus
muddled thoughts… confusion… indecision… “Which way should I go?”
When you don’t know how to get from A to B, you need a map. Tiger’s Eye can impart the clear thinking that you need to draw YOUR OWN.
When you’re just feeling like you don’t know what to do, draw on Tiger’s Eye laser like properties so you can show your own self the way. If you have a target, it can help you lock on and see exactly what it is that needs to be done. If you don’t, it can help you find what it is that you truly want from a situation.
5. Amber Quartz | Less Anxiety
on edge, jumpy for no readily apparent reason… reaction to a particularly stressful situation in which you feel you have no recourse
high anxiety
Amber quartz is what I carried during the situation that sparked my first post of the “5 Decisions I Made To Get My Life Back on Track”.
When I was under the duress of that nightmare, my stone broke open. I like to think of it as a symbolic gesture of empathy from my stone. It opened up to pour out soothing, healing, and comforting energies. Thinking of this stone in my pocket brought moments of calm and peace to my days. I was constantly on guard for my safety, and had no choice but to remain in the situation, until I could find other options. Amber quartz really helped bring me through.
I envisioned it’s energy as a balm, a honey pouring out to me for comfort and safety. A cushion to the craziness that would inevitably pop up when I had my guard down.
Amber quartz can be a cushion that you call upon to soften the blows that life is dishing out.
If you are not familiar with the particular energies of various stones, check out the links below for more insight. This will give you a starting point.
Resource Links:
Crystal/Stone Energy List (Definitions):
[The following links can help you see yourself a little bit better, with some humor added in 🙂 ]
Astrology Twitter:
https://twitter.com/starheal (down to earth interpretations)
https://twitter.com/poetastrologers (adult oriented)
Tarot Twitter:
https://twitter.com/thejessicadore (works with tarot from healing aspect)
Hope this is of help to someone who needs it.
With All The Best,
[The links below are Amazon Affiliate Links. Please go here for my full disclaimer.]
Crystals for Healing: The Complete Reference Guide With Over 200 Remedies for Mind, Heart and Soul |